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7 Key Indicators You Need a Chief of Staff

Are you experiencing problems beyond normal business growing pains? Is your culture suffering? Are you overworked? It’s time for a chief of staff.

Key takeaways:

  • Key indicators you need a chief of staff:
  • There’s a lack of growth
  • Your processes are clunky 
  • You never have enough time
  • You need more strategy help
  • You experience consistent stress and overwhelming feelings
  • You can’t keep up with competitors
  • Your workplace culture needs a boost

Assembling the right team and nailing your internal processes ensures your business grows. But many businesses just can’t gather enough momentum to perform the way the founders planned. Some of the most common reasons businesses fail include founder burnout, slow or failing processes, poor morale, and a lack of direction.

Hiring a chief of staff can be a game-changer for any business. These professionals understand the business of business and can help with everything from daily operations to high-level strategy. When you’re feeling stuck and not sure why your business isn’t growing, it’s time to get some help. Here are seven key indicators that you need to invest in chief of staff services.

1. You’re seeing a lack of growth

Any business will experience some growing pains, but if you can’t seem to get out of that stage, you probably need some extra help. Your business may be struggling with stagnation, and you just can’t seem to gain any traction on growth. You aren’t meeting your goals, and you need more time and resources to get the company back on track. 

Chiefs of staff are excellent team members to facilitate growth. They assist with strategy and ensure the leadership team’s goals are carried out effectively.

2. Your processes are clunky

One of the biggest concerns for growing businesses is avoiding hiccups and roadblocks in internal processes. When workflows are too clunky, the business isn’t as efficient. Everything takes much longer than it should. Work isn’t getting done on time, and important deadlines are missed. Teams become frustrated and company morale and productivity both suffer. 

Don’t let stuck processes get in the way of business performance. Hiring a chief of staff is the answer, as these experts can identify where processes are getting held up, resolve the issue with the right resources, and monitor everything moving forward.

3. There’s never enough time

You may have the best intentions with big-picture business goals. But if you’re spending all your time doing time-consuming, everyday tasks, you’re likely running out of time. This easily happens when founders are starting out and they want to have a hand in everything across the business. You want everything to be handled with care, so it’s hard to trust just anybody. 

The good news is you can depend on a chief of staff to step in and help with all of the tasks that are taking up too much of your time. You’ll open yourself up to focus on more pressing and priority concerns that will improve the business.

4. You need help with strategy

Sometimes the root of a company problem isn’t easily detectable by you or others who are too close to the business. You may notice that you’re having trouble making important decisions, and you’d love to have an expert on board to run your ideas by. You need a sounding board who can give helpful feedback and creative ideas.

Getting someone else’s perspective can be a major help, especially if you’re on your own or have a small leadership team. Chiefs of staff can see things you just don’t see. They bring in a new level of expertise that may be missing from your current team.

5. You are stressed and overwhelmed

Are you feeling overly stressed on a regular basis with no room to breathe? Don’t ignore those overwhelming feelings. If you get burned out, the business suffers. You might start to lose the passion and drive for your business, forgetting why you started it in the first place.  When your to-do list continues to build and you gain any traction, it’s time to get some help from an expert chief of staff.

6. You can’t keep up with competitors

Other businesses in your industry may be shooting past you with their innovation and growth. They seem to know all the latest technology trends and improvements, and you’re just not keeping up. They are attracting customers and hitting the milestones you are chasing. 

Don’t be left behind. You need someone to take the reins and help guide the business with the right innovations behind it. Hiring a chief of staff means you have access to an industry professional who knows the best practices for staffing, technology, process innovation, and more. 

7. Your workplace culture needs a boost

Culture has a big impact on company success. More satisfied, engaged employees drive productivity and profitability, and you’re able to attract better talent. Unfortunately, a poor culture means business performance suffers. Are you noticing that people aren’t engaged and their motivation is lacking? Are people feeling disconnected from one another?

Turn to a chief of staff. Not only can these professionals pinpoint what’s going wrong in your workplace culture but they can also implement solutions to improve it, whether recognizing employees through an appreciation program or helping promote teamwork and team bonding.

Ready for a chief of staff?

These key indicators are signs that it’s time to take the leap and hire a chief of staff. If you’re experiencing any of these problems or headaches, work with Chiefly Consultants to find a solution. 

We know that the way your processes run and how your people perform can make or break business success. We help you build a stronger foundation with the help of a fractional chief of staff, giving you flexibility and customized services for whatever your needs are. 

Contact Chiefly Consultants today to schedule a free consultation.

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