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What Role Does a Chief of Staff Play in a Tech Startup?

Chiefs of Staff can help startup founders reduce burnout by taking on everything from decision-making, meeting preparation and employee communication.

Key takeaways:

  • Tech startup founders are known for taking on way too much, which leads to burnout and adverse outcomes for the business
  • Chiefs of Staff can help tech startups with the following:
    1. Employee management and communication
    2. Decision-making and strategy
    3. Operations oversight
    4. Time management for the CEO

The Chief of Staff role is relatively new in the tech world. Startup founders are notorious for taking on all the work, at least until the business grows exponentially.

But Chiefs of Staff are uniquely positioned to help startups, which are trying to keep growing, often at a quick pace. CoS helps with everything behind the scenes, ensuring the company functions efficiently to achieve that growth. They help with everything behind the scenes, ensuring the company is functioning efficiently to achieve that growth. They are uniquely positioned to help startups that are trying to keep growing, often at a quick pace. Here’s how they can help founders.

How tech startups can benefit from a Chief of Staff

Founders of tech startups are burned out. They take on too many roles and have trouble letting go of even the most tedious daily tasks. They’re so focused on their vision and growth that they put their own needs aside, which negatively impacts the business. They may have trouble delegating because they don’t trust anyone else with the most important business decisions. And to top it off, founders must deal with all the stress of founding and growing a new business.

This is why one study shows that nearly half of the entrepreneurs report having a lifetime mental health condition, compared to 32% of the non-entrepreneurs surveyed. Entrepreneurs were also found to have higher rates of ADHD, substance abuse, and depression.

Chiefs of Staff can’t solve all of these problems for founders—but they can help with most. A CoS is an expert business strategist and administrator who steps in to take things off the founder or CEO’s plate. They become their right-hand person, handling everything from scheduling to everyday decision-making to managing the workforce. 

The result is that business leaders have more time to focus on what really matters for their business. They’re not caught up putting out fires when they should be thinking through raising capital or connecting with audiences. They’ll know that everything they were holding so tightly to before is handled competently by their Chief of Staff. They’re able to be a complete person again, with a life outside of work. 

Another Chief of Staff perk for startups is avoiding over-resourcing the company. Instead of a founder trying to hire several different people to take on operational tasks, they can simply work with one CoS for the needed help. These professionals can be hired on a fractional or contract basis so that startups can save money on full-time employees.

The role of a Chief of Staff in a tech startup

A Chief of Staff tackles all the behind-the-scenes responsibilities of a tech startup, while the CEO stays the public-facing figure. They handle a wide range of tasks that keep the business moving effectively. Here are some of those responsibilities that significantly improve tech startups from top to bottom:

1. Employee management and communication

Managing a business’s people is one of the most important jobs of a Chief of Staff. They may oversee the hiring and onboarding processes, ensuring that new team members align with the startup culturally and can get behind its mission. 

They also facilitate communication, acting as a liaison between employees and company executives. They keep tabs on company culture and strive to keep people motivated, engaged, and high-performing. 

2. Decision-making and strategy

Many people mistakenly assume that a Chief of Staff is just like an Executive Assistant. They actually take on high-level decision-making responsibilities. More than just an assistant to the CEO, these professionals have a lot of knowledge about the industry and how successful businesses run. They can advise executives and make decisions that are best for the company. 

This is why many startup founders lean heavily on chiefs of staff when planning out a strategy. They’re able to set goals and ensure they’re met. They implement practices that help the entire team align with the business’s purpose and vision.

3. Operations oversight

Chiefs of Staff help keep daily operations moving. They may be responsible for scheduling and overseeing meetings, ensuring they stay on track. They assign tasks to people on the team. They may also help with board meeting preparation and take notes. 

Additionally, they may step in to coordinate seasonal processes. They could be responsible for coordinating with an accountant at tax time or preparing the annual financial reports. They may also be in charge of planning and executing company-wide events and meetings. Essentially, Chiefs of Staff ensure that daily operations are efficient and that major business objectives are on track.

4. Time management for the CEO

Startup founders, as already mentioned, often don’t give themselves enough time to do everything they want to do. Much less do they attempt to prioritize work-life balance. A Chief of Staff helps them clear out their calendar when needed. They intuitively know when the CEO may need a bit of space to focus on a high-level business concern. 

They help business leaders find time to stay creative and think about growth. This responsibility alone can be a game-changer for tech startups that can’t seem to get on top of their goals or time management.

Hire a fractional Chief of Staff today

Tech startups see many benefits when they hire a Chief of Staff. If you’re a tech founder, you know all too well how many hats you have to wear to ensure the business keeps moving. Free up time for yourself and leave business operations in expert hands with a Chief of Staff from Chiefly Consultants.

Chiefly provides fractional Chief of Staff services to tech companies so you can work with a professional on your terms. We help you find the right match for your needs and customize services to help your unique business succeed. 

Reach out to Chiefly Consultants today to schedule a free consultation.

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